Poetry CornerThe ashy green acacia

By Gabriela Antonini

The ashy green acacia

A child of the wetlands
Leaves like tubes
  Tucking in their moisture
Bustling with sweet minty scent
  Bewitching the bees
Whose dancing feet
  Wear the yellow
of the soft ruddy flowering orb

The ashy green acacia
  Becomes backstory
History of the wetlands
  Thirsty remnants
  Lay in soil
  Burnt by shrinking borders
Flowers green, yellow, brown
Drops of honey
No longer tasted
The ashy green acacia
like ash

Vincent van Gogh's Blossoming Acacia Branches (1890)
Vincent van Gogh's Blossoming Acacia Branches (1890)

Gabriela Antonini

Gabriela Antonini (she/her) is a Slovakian-born writer living on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja who writes poetry, scripts, stories, and love letters shared privately and on stages and public places such as at galleries, theatres, poetry events, gardens, and pubs. As a multi-disciplinary artist and performer, she revels in collaborative work and has been a writer-in-residence alongside visual artists and seen her scripts performed on stage and on film. Follow her work on Instagram: @gabi.antonini.poet

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